Wednesday 30 July 2008


Here is T and her knives. T allowed us to stay in her lovely flat and garden but here she is explaining that all good things come to an end. Fish and guests stink after three days and she has been a good daughter long enough. Here is her garden where I spent my happy hours. Thanks again T. Here is R under her birthday present of suitable stars. Haloes don't keep the rain off so well. Here is R's veggie patch and here is the garden where we watched four rural fox cubs dancing in the moonlight - beautiful wild beasts.Lovely to see K too. I failed to get a photo of B and A who came to supper with prezies - thanks B for lunch in London. I miss you all!

1 comment:

Chimera said...

Love the picture of Rachma! Sending lots of love and you didn't stink! Well ...errr....
T xxx