Friday 25 April 2014

Caves of the blind albino crabs

These photos are out of order. At various place on Lanzarote there are caves formed by volcanic gasses at they bubbled up from below. Many of the caves, of course, collapsed but there are still many which remain. From some of them Manrique made his subterranean home, but this one, filled with seawater which has permeated in from the ocean remains as a spectacle. It is the home of blind albino crabs, apparently unique in the world.

This is a shot of the interior of the cave/bubble. You will get an idea of the size by comparing with the people at the far end.

A swimming pool has been made in some of the collapsed section of the cave.

Note the people on the right-hand side of the cave.
It seems to be bloody freezing in France today and I am back in long trousers. It is hard to imagine that I was in shorts over a month ago.

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