Wednesday 10 July 2013

Summer Scenes

First some pictures taken in Mazeres church on the occasion of Pierrette's 80th. (!) birthday celebrated at Monday's choir rehearsal. She looks pretty good on it, but I can't say as much for the 70-year old at her right.

It's pretty warm here at the moment - low 30s C., low 90s F - and most French people close their house's shutters to keep the heat out. We're British, so, of course, we throw ours open to let the heat in and then complain about the temperature. Not so this morning where I was cutting the grass and we closed the shutters to keep out pebbles thrown out by the mower.

The next shot shows the anti-mosquito doors I installed yesterday. We got them months ago from a scrapyard - a minor story in itself - when the winter rains hadn't finished. They were double glazed but I took the glass out and fitted aluminium mosquito mesh which Ruth had wanted for years. We needed to be able to secure access for the cats which was via the cat flap I put in the base of the door. A job I hate; the flaps seem to demand impossibly tight tolerances but they usually work in the end. Of course Topaze and Arthur being cats, they have so far refused to use their new entrance, choosing to come in and out by the other end of the house.

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