Thursday 2 October 2008


I like word games, such as puns and crosswords. Ruth likes them as well but does not spring upon an ambivalence as quickly as I should. So when she writes "Pest and Friend" as the title of a blog about Budapest, she only sees "Pest" as the part of Budapest on the left bank of the Danube. So I am not offended by the inference above. No, really. Not a bit.

Here's a picture of our friend Mike who did so much to increase our enjoyment of Budapest (not forgetting John S, who recommended us such a good restaurant). Mike took the photo of Ruth and I which follows it.

Here's a picture of a lion shortly after he has tasted a very hot cup of tea. Also in the picture are Mike and Ruth:-

I took this photo from the middle of the road (my usual stance). Ruth is drawing to my attention an approaching BMW.


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