Tuesday 12 August 2008


We have met only one couple – a Dane, Paul, and his wife Johanna, originally from Greenland, while we were staying at Hindsgavl (Middelfart). They invited us into their tent for a bottle of wine and a chat. We have had conversations with many other campers but we have made no friends. Campers usually smile and greet you though less often on big sites. Campers come with friends or family or both and they are definitely transient.
Curiously we are not transient though we are always moving. We are however transients.
We are at home wherever we are on the road.
People have said they envy us and would like to - or will do the same as us one day but considering these frequent expressed desires we have not met anyone like us yet. Some people our age drift around this way a few months each year but again they want to get away – not make new acquaintances.
So far it has been a friendless time.
(Perhaps this is not surprising given the image we currently present to the world.
John and I each have wide-brimmed felt hats – an African safari in John’s case – an Aussie stockman’s in mine. They shrunk in the rain and John and I are wearing them to stretch them. We are each working at our computers in the Wheely cabin as it is raining outside. I guess if you are on holiday you might avoid two British pensioners with funny hats they wear indoors while they bash away at their keyboards!)

It has been a time without friends for the two of us though we have not feel friendless because of all of you out there. It means that your e-mails and phone calls are appreciated and the blog is getting decidedly overloaded by us. Oddly enough we feel quite happy and quite self-sufficient at the present though perhaps unsurprisingly, we have had some good rows to liven things up.
We did realise that perhaps our particular form of transience was unlikely to bring us into touch with either local nationals or visitors of other nationalities. It is disappointing however.

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